What is GUE?
Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) represents a global network of GUE communities, empowered by highly refined diver training programs and inspired to explore and conserve the world’s aquatic environments.
GUE is a leader in scuba education, developing numerous industry-first training protocols with a global cast of extremely knowledgeable professional educators and producing divers of exceptional quality. These educational programs enable divers to enjoy a nearly unlimited range of opportunities, including conservation programs, exploration projects, and documentation adventures. GUE-trained divers are found in far-reaching global communities that offer many social and support opportunities alongside a host of unique and challenging underwater projects.
GUE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that uses a small but efficient staff. We are supported by our divers and members—consider joining GUE today!
GUE is a leader in scuba education, having developed numerous industry-first training protocols and utilizing an elite cast of diving educators.
Our wide range of training programs was meticulously developed by leading explorers whose mission was to build communities of passionate scuba divers with globally coordinated diving activities.
These curricula provide training for all levels and interests, from new divers and recreational divers to cave and technical divers, all in an effort to elevate the quality of training within the dive industry.
The earliest GUE courses were developed to support global exploration projects and have been refined to incorporate recreational divers. This “begin with the end in mind” approach produces uniquely competent divers and enables a smooth transition from recreational to technical diving and beyond.
GUE members support conservation through a variety of affiliates, including Ghost Diving, Reef Check, and Baykeeper. We’ve collaborated on a variety of university projects, such as the coral reef algae documentation and testing for Florida Atlantic University's Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute and live shipwreck exploration in the Gulf of Mexico for Texas State University's Meadows Center.
GUE is also proud to support its own initiative, Project Baseline. The overarching mission is for participants worldwide to survey and record their local aquatic environments with photos, videos, and data logs that serve as a baseline against which future changes can be measured. The results of such efforts are used to build public awareness and support political action. There are more than 100 projects in almost 40 countries currently supporting Project Baseline's mission
The formation of GUE evolved from the identified needs of demanding global projects and was crafted by some of the industry’s leading explorers. The resulting training programs were developed to ensure that divers could pursue any interest they had, and as result, some of these divers would support a variety of global diving initiatives designed to explore and conserve the aquatic realm.
The exploration and conservation activities within GUE communities are often documented under the direction of, or in cooperation with, various government, university, or nonprofit groups. GUE’s annual project report summarizes some of the most active projects and this report is published yearly. There are typically at least 20 projects highlighted each year, but there are many more ongoing exploration, documentation, and conservation initiatives organized by our members. More than 100 locations are regularly documented in approximately 40 countries through GUE’s Project Baseline conservation initiative.
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